Giovanni Battista Pergolesi 344
William Hart McNichols
The Intercession of St Carlo Acutis 343
William Hart McNichols
Holy Prophet Jonah
William Hart McNichols
The Foot Washing 342
William Hart McNichols
Holy New Martyr Alexei Navalny 340
William Hart McNichols
Valentin Tomberg Holy Christian Hermeticist 337
William Hart McNichols
Charles Rich Holy Lay Contemplative 336
William Hart McNichols
335 St Charles -Thaumaturgos of Mount Argus Dublin
William Hart McNichols
St Joseph Mirror of Patience 334
William Hart McNichols
St Pancratius of Rome 333
William Hart McNichols
St. Mark the Evangelist 332
William Hart McNichols
Holy Prophet Thomas Merton - Gaudete Christus est natus 331
William Hart McNichols
St Joseph Terror of Demons 326
William Hart McNichols
St. Thomas a' Becket
William Hart McNichols
St Henry Walpole, SJ 324
William Hart McNichols
San Jose Flor de Jese 323
William Hart McNichols
St Albert the Great - Patron of Scientists and Students 320
William Hart McNichols
The Servant of God Father Pedro Arrupe, SJ 319
William Hart McNichols
Holy Priest Anonymous One of Sachsenhausen 013
William Hart McNichols
St Lazarus of Bethany
William Hart McNichols
St Charbel Cedar of Lebanon
William Hart McNichols
Nicholas Black Elk-Wicasa Wakan
William Hart McNichols
297 Holy Martyr Blessed William Hart -1583
William Hart McNichols
St Nicholas Patron of Children, Sailors and Sea Shepherds- 296
William Hart McNichols
Holy Father Pedro Arrupe, SJ in Hiroshima with the Christ Child 293
William Hart McNichols
St John of the Cross in the Dark Night of the Soul 290
William Hart McNichols
Holy Prophet Daniel Berrigan 291
William Hart McNichols
St Jude Patron of the Impossible 287
William Hart McNichols
St Genisius Patron of Actors 279
William Hart McNichols
Holy Prophet Elijah 009
William Hart McNichols
Holy New Martyr Tsarevich Alexei 010
William Hart McNichols
St. Aloysius in the Fire of Prayer 020
William Hart McNichols
Holy New Martyr Blessed Jerzy Popielusko 030
William Hart McNichols
Holy Martyr St Sebastian 032
William Hart McNichols
St. John the Apostle 037
William Hart McNichols
Blessed Fr. Solanus Casey the Healer 038
William Hart McNichols
St Louis IX with his son Philip IIl 046
William Hart McNichols
St. Padre Pio Mother Pelican 047 #2
William Hart McNichols
St Andrei Rublev Patron of Iconographers 048
William Hart McNichols
Holy Blessed Martyr Franz Jagerstatter 049
William Hart McNichols
Holy New Martyr Rutilio Grande 050
William Hart McNichols
The Servant of God Egide van Broeckhoven SJ 051
William Hart McNichols
St John Francis Regis and Brother Bideau 054
William Hart McNichols
William Stringfellow Keeper of the Word 057
William Hart McNichols
St. Benedict Joseph Labre 062
William Hart McNichols
The Proskynesis of St Stanislaus Kostka 064
William Hart McNichols
Holy New Martyr St Nestor Savchuk 069
William Hart McNichols
A Prayer For Unity Holy Martyrs St Peter the Aleut and St Andrew Bobola 072
William Hart McNichols
St Peter Canisius Doctor of the Church 073
William Hart McNichols
Saint Francisco Marto of Fatima 081
William Hart McNichols
St. John the Forerunner also The Baptist 082
William Hart McNichols
Holy Prophet Benjamin Salmon 083
William Hart McNichols
St William of Monte Vergine 090
William Hart McNichols
The Silence of St Thomas Aquinas 097
William Hart McNichols
Holy Martyr St Edmund Campion 103
William Hart McNichols
Holy Theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar 110
William Hart McNichols
Holy Theologian Origen 112
William Hart McNichols
Holy Great Martyr St Maximilian 113
William Hart McNichols
Holy New Martyr Padre Miguel Pro 119
William Hart McNichols
Holy Theologian Bernard Lonergan 122
William Hart McNichols
St Alberto Hurtado Hogar de Cristo 124
William Hart McNichols
Holy Prophet Philip Berrigan 125
William Hart McNichols
Beato Fra Angelico -Patron of Artisits 126
William Hart McNichols
Islamic Mystic and Martyr al Hallaj 127
William Hart McNichols
Blessed Theodore of the Cross 129
William Hart McNichols
St Dominic Savio Patron of Juvenile Delinquents 130
William Hart McNichols
Holy Passion Bearer Mychal Judge 132
William Hart McNichols
St Anthony of Padua 134
William Hart McNichols
St Andrew the First Called 135
William Hart McNichols
San Cayetano y Santo Nino 136
William Hart McNichols
St Gerard Majella Patron of Expectant Mothers 138
William Hart McNichols
Fr. Gerard Manley Hopkins The Poet's Poet 144
William Hart McNichols